Let’s Kill Hitler!

28 08 2011

Video © BBC and DALEK2626

Because I’m such a Doctor Who fanboy – proof: here and here – I was watching the opening of Series 6½, Let’s Kill Hitler. (The series was split into halves.)

Let’s Kill Hitler wasn’t the best episode of Series 6, but it was pretty cool. It involved miniaturised people inside a shape-shifting vehicle with robotic jellyfish that would incinerate you if you didn’t have privileges. And Rory punched Hitler in the face and locked him in a cupboard. Oh, and we also learnt more about River Song, Amy and Rory’s daughter. Go on TARDIS Wiki if you want to find out more.

There was also a flashback which involved a young Amy Pond, a young Rory, and a young Mels, (If you don’t know who she is go here), which involved this speech:

MELS: Is he hot, the Doctor?

AMELIA: No, he’s funny.

RORY: (Walking into the room) I thought we were playing hide and seek.

AMELIA: Well, we just haven’t found you yet.

RORY: Hi, Mels.

MELS: Hi, Rory.

If you’re not a fan of Doctor Who, to make up for it, I’ve made a page where all the games from the Cool Games series are, and if you like my writing, a blog where my writing goes.

Games page: https://idioticmonkeys.wordpress.com/games/

Writing: http://monkeymoronswriting.wordpress.com/




Doctor Who

8 05 2011

Hello. Doctor Who’s been on for the past three weeks. I’m a HUGE Doctor Who nerd as mentioned here, and really enjoyed the first two stories.

I think the monsters were really scary! They were ridiculously scary, even. If you didn’t see them, they look like this:

I think they’re really creepy and dangerous as the millisecond you look away, you forget they’re there. You could spend your whole life looking over your shoulder for them. Freaks me out.

Anyway, Episode three was about pirates. The Doctor & Co. landed on a 17th century pirate ship cursed by a Siren, which was green when it was calm, but red when it was angry.

Spot the difference? What the Siren did was leave a black spot on the other mens’ hands if they were injured, even in the slightest way, e.g., a prick on their hands. This was because she was a virtual doctor, but the ship she was looking after had no crew; they were all dead, from the common cold like in War of the Worlds. She needed people to look after, so by leaving the black spot on the mens’ hands she would know which ones to take to the sick bay. I’m not very good at explaining this, read about it here and here.

I’m looking forward to the next episode: The Doctor’s Wife. It looks really spooky.